What is the All Night Grad Party ?
The ANGP is a community organized event hosted on the night of the Westwood High School graduation. The ANGP provides all graduating seniors a final night of celebration in a safe, alcohol and drug free, fun environment at Westwood High School. The ANGP offers entertainment including activities such as music, a hypnotist, games, inflatables and artists, and also plenty of food!
Who hosts the All Night Grad Party?
The ANGP is hosted by the Westwood Community in Action Inc, a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity. It is not hosted, funded, or managed by Westwood Public Schools. Community volunteers organize and run the ANGP.
What is Westwood Community in Action, Inc. (WCIA)?
It is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity, founded 31 years ago by Westwood residents who had a mission to provide a safe, alcohol and drug free graduation celebration (ANGP) for Westwood High Seniors.
How is the ANGP funded?
The funds for this event are raised entirely by donations, sponsorships, and fundraisers.
How can the Westwood Community help?
Any member of the Westwood community is encouraged to help with this event. You do not need to have a student or a senior enrolled in Westwood Public Schools.
- You can volunteer prior to and the weekend of the event to plan for, decorate, set up, or break down the event. Go to www.westwoodangp.org > volunteer for more information.
- You can volunteer at the actual event. This is when the most volunteers are needed to ensure the graduates have a fun and safe environment. Parents of any senior attending the ANGP can not volunteer at the event. Go to www.westwoodangp.org > volunteer for more information.
- You can make a Financial Donation at www.westwoodangp.org
- Does your company have a Corporate Match Gift program? Corporate matching gifts are when companies financially match donations that their employees make to nonprofit organizations. An employee makes a donation, and they request the matching gift from their employer, who then makes their own donation. If your company has this, please make a donation to the ANGP!
How can I get more information?
- Explore this website
- Like us on Facebook: Westwood ANGP
- Follow us on Instagram: westwoodangp
- Email us at: Westwoodangp@gmail.com
- Mail us at: WCIA PO Box 2605 Westwood, MA 02090